Minimalist yet powerful hair mask, with all essential ingredients to address the universal hair concerns and achieve great looking and feel good hair. It contains a powerful conditioning combo of Crodazoquat™ MCC, a highly efficient conditioning agent that enables conditioning on a wide range of hair types, promoting hair health and perceivable sensory benefits in wet and dry hair and Crodazosoft™ DBQ, a conditioning agent for superior hair softness. Performance additives complement mask functionalities: Cutissential™ Behenyl 18-MEA, an essential booster for hair essential lipids replenishment and soft hair feel; Crodabond™CSA, a preventive and protective hair cuticles shield and split end repairer and ProSina™, an intelligent protein with high affinity for damaged hair sites, for hair restoration and diameter improvement.
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Formulation details
- Hair care - Treatments
Phase type
- Multiple phase dispersed
- Creamy
- Cream
- Opaque
- Silicone-free
Consumer benefit
- Conditioning
- Detangling
- Shine
- Softening
- Split ends
- Strengthening
- Brazil
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